
1. Lu, C.-L., S.-T., Chen, and H.-I. Kuo*, 2018, "International Tourism Demand in Asia: Before and After the Economic Crisis", Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 23(11): 1073-1085.【SSCI】 【MOST 103-2410-H-324-009-】

2. Hung, J.-Y., H.-I Kuo*, and C.-H. Yang, 2018,"Using Quantile Regression to Understand Senior International Visitor Spending - Evidences from Taiwan", Advanced Science Letters, 24(7): 4774-4777. 【Scopus】【NSC 101-2410-H-324-014-】

3. Chiu, F.-P., H.-I. Kuo, C.-C., Chen*, and C.-S., Hsu, 2015, "The Energy Price Equivalence of Carbon Taxes and Emissions Trading-Theory and Evidence", Applied Energy, 160: 164-171. 【SCI】

4. Kuo, H.-I, K., Liu, and C.-C., Chen*, 2014,"Modeling Japanese Tourism Demand for Asian Destinations: A Dynamic AIDS Approach", Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 19(1): 86-102. 【SSCI, 2013 Impact Factor=0.566, Ranked in 31/39in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism】

5. Kuo, H.-I* and C.-L., Lu, 2013, "Expenditure-Based Segmentation: Application Quantile Regression to Analyze Travel Expenditures of Baby Boomer Households", Tourism Economics, 19(6): 1429-1442. 【SSCI, 2012 Impact Factor=0.800, Ranked in 24/35 in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism】【NSC 99-2410-H-324-019-】【NSC 100-2410-H-324-014-】

6. Kuo, H.-I, C.-C., Chen*, and M., McAleer, 2012, "Estimating the Impact of Whaling on Global Whale Watching", Tourism Management, 33(6):1321-1328.【SSCI, 2010 Impact Factor=2.571, Ranked in 3/35 in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism】

7. Chen, S.-T., H.-I, Kuo, and C.-C., Chen*, 2012, "Estimating the Extreme Behaviors of Students Performance using Quantile Regression- Evidences from Taiwan", Education Economics, 20 (1): 93-113.【EconLit】

8. 廖述誼、陳盛通、郭曉怡、陳吉仲*、蔡燕宗,2010,評估實施碳稅對國內電力部門之經濟影響,農業與經濟,44:39-71。【TSSCI】

9. Chen, S.-T., H.-I, Kuo, and C.-C., Chen*, 2010, "Modeling the Relationship between the Oil Price and Global Food Prices", Applied Energy, 87(8): 2517-2525.【SCI, 2010 Impact Factor=3.915, Ranked in 7/135 in Engineering, Chemical】

10. McAleer, M., B.-W., Huang, H.-I, Kuo, C.-C., Chen, and C.-L., Chang*, 2010, "An Econometric Analysis of SARS and Avian Flu on International Tourist Arrivals to Asia", Environmental Modelling & Software, 25(1): 100-106. 【SCI, 2010 Impact Factor=2.871, Ranked in 38/193 in Environmental Sciences】【NSC 98-2410-H-324-011-】

11. Kuo, H.-I, C.-L., Chang*, B.-W., Huang, C.-C., Chen, and M., McAleer, 2009, "Estimating the Impact of Avian Flu on International Tourism Demand using Panel Data", Tourism Economics, 15(3): 501-511. 【SSCI】

12. Kuo, H.-I, C.-L., Lu, W.-C., Tseng*, and H.-A., Li, 2009, "A Spatiotemporal Statistical Model of the Risk Factors of Human Cases of H5N1 Avian Influenza in Southeast Asian Countries and China", Public Health, 123(2): 188-193.【SSCI, SCI, 2009 Impact Factor=1.261, Ranked in 54/95 in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health】

13. Kuo, H.-I, C.-C., Chen, W.-C. Tseng*, L.-F., Ju, and B.-W., Huang, 2008, "Assessing Impacts of SARS and Avian Flu on International Tourism Demand to Asia", Tourism Management, 29(5): 917-928.【SSCI, 2008 Impact Factor=1.274, Ranked in 3/16 in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism】

14. 陳吉仲*、郭曉怡、李佩倫,2007,影響國中基本學力測驗分數的因素之分析,教育政策論壇,10(4):119-142。【TSSCI】

15. Chen, S.-T., H.-I, Kuo, and C.-C., Chen*, 2007, "The Relationship between GDP and Electricity Consumption in 10 Asian Countries", Energy Policy, 35(4): 2611-2621.【SSCI, 2007 Impact Factor=1.901, Ranked in 3/52 in Environmental Studies】


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